Mortgage and Lending


More than accounting advice.

Not all mortgage brokers are created equal. Our holistic approach to lending, accounting and financial planning means we bridge the gap in the client experience, eliminating the frustration from delays that are often inevitable with multiple stakeholders involved in the lending process.

Our mortgage brokers offer the advantage of having of an accounting background, meaning we’re looking at your figures with a strategic mind. We will ask you more questions and we’ll go deeper in our process.

Why? So that you end up with a loan that offers longevity, minimising the need to refinance again in a short time frame - avoiding a stressful and often costly exercise on both your time and money.


We specialise in

SMSF Lending
Investment Properties
Commercial Lending  
Bridging Loans  
Loan Negotiations
Construction Loans
Debt Consolidation  
Land Purchasing
Equipment Finance

What would you like to do?

I want to buy a home

Buying a home can be highly emotional. It's exciting, stressful, joyful and sometimes frustrating. We aim to minimise the negative emotions, so you can focus on the positives, by offering our holistic approach to lending.


I want to build a home

Building a home involves a different approach to lending. It's a bigger risk for lenders and requires more skilled, more strategic mortgage brokers who understand the issues and can mitigate them. We know how.


I want to buy an investment

Property investment can offer a solid return on investment. Our expert team are skilled at investment loans, including complex SMSF lending, offering the foresight of accounting & financial planning.


I want to refinance

Any mortgage broker can refinance. Our difference is to get to know you, your goals and your longer term plans better so we can advise on a loan with longevity, minimising your time and efforts to get what you need.


Get in touch

Our holistic approach to taxation, accounting and financial planning means we bridge the gap in the client experience, eliminating the frustration from delays that are often inevitable with multiple stakeholders involved in the lending process.

We invite you to book a FREE 15-Min Discovery Meeting with our lending team.

Shannon Smit, Credit Representative Number 533133 is a credit representative of SMART Business Solutions Mortgage & Lending Pty Ltd (Authorised Credit Representative 527754, ACN 611 647 922). Authorised under outsource Financial Pty Ltd, Australian Credit Licence 384324.  
Disclaimer: This is general information only and is subject to change. Your complete financial situation will need to be assessed before acceptance of any proposal or product.
View our Privacy Policy.


What does a mortgage broker do?

Put simply, our mortgage broker advisory can take the time and hassle out of hunting around for the right home loan ensuring we take into consideration your entire financial picture ensuring a better outcome for you.

Finds the right loan

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 Competitive interest rates

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Assist with refinancing

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Explains using home equity

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Find Out


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